Remedial Course Certificate
Immediately after completing the online adult remedial course, you will be able to download and print your certificate of completion.
You can access your certificate by clicking "Certificates" from your account dashboard. Then, click the "Download Certificate" button.
Your certificate will contain information about our school, including our state license # (G#: G00333), the date completed, information about the student, and the applicable reason for taking the course. It is extremely important that you select the correct reason for taking the course during the registration process. If you haven't completed the course and want to make sure you have the correct reasoning, you can look at your student contract next to your course. If you did, contact us and we can correct this for you.
If you did not choose the correct reasoning and
printed your certificate already, you will have to request for a new certificate. Use this article to help with that:
I need a new certificate
If your certificate is NOT available after completing the course, please follow the steps below.
- Verify that you have spent a minimum of 8 hours in the program.
- Verify that you have completed all of the chapters.
- Please allow up to 10 minutes for your completion records to clear with our processes.
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