About the Course
1. Is 2COOL Traffic School approved by the Ohio BMV?
Yes! We are the first online Adult Remedial Course available that has passed the strict requirements established by the BMV.
2. How long is the Ohio Adult Remedial Course?
The course is designed to be a minimum of eight (8) hours. This is the state requirement for ALL traffic schools. However, time can vary based on the students’ learning speed and how often they start/stop the course.
3. Does the course expire?
Yes. The course expires 30 days after you start the course content.
4. Do I have to take the course all at once?
Nope! You can break up the hours however you would like. However, if you spend 2 consecutive hours in the course, we will make you take a 10 minute break. But then you can come back and continue where you left off!
5. Is it okay to go over 8 hours?
Absolutely! You are encouraged to spend as long as it takes for you to get through the material at your own pace.
6. Is this an online course only? / Do you offer in-person training?
This course is 100% online. We are an online traffic school. We do not do any in-person classes or training.
7. Who needs to take the Ohio Adult Remedial Course?
There are several reasons that someone might need to take this course. They include:
- 2-Point Credit – if a driver has 2 to 11 points on their license, this course may apply a 2-point credit. A 2-point credit allows a driver to receive 14 points before having their driver's license suspended. The credit is valid for three years and a driver may only take the course for this purpose five times in their lifetime.
- Court Ordered – not for credit. The driver was ordered by a court to take the remedial program and will not receive a 2-point credit. The certificate is sent to the court.
- Juvenile Suspension – The driver is 19 years of age or older and is taking the course because of a juvenile suspension that occurred before the age of 18.
- Suspension for OVI/OVUAC – The driver's license was suspended due to being under the age of 21 and under the influence of alcohol while operating a vehicle.
- 12-point suspension – The certificate is provided to the BMV as part of the requirements for being eligible to retain or have the driver's license returned due to a 12-point suspension.
8. What’s the course like?
Our class is fully narrated with fun activities and videos to make it more interesting and enjoyable! Our virtual guide, Sam, will guide you through the course by reading each of the 19 chapters to you. You can sit back and relax through our stress-free course.
9. What topics are covered in this course?
- Chapter 1: Driving involves risk that can be managed
- Chapter 2: Developing good visual habits
- Chapter 3: Communicating with others
- Chapter 4: Personal responsibility and safe driving attitude
- Chapter 5: Safe and courteous driving strategies and principles
- Chapter 6: Assessing speed and adjusting speed
- Chapter 7: Dynamics of a crash
- Chapter 8: Space management
- Chapter 9: Consequences of poor driving behavior
- Chapter 10: Distracted driving
- Chapter 11: Handling driving emergencies
- Chapter 12: Safety restraint systems – safety belts, airbags, child passenger seats
- Chapter 13: Financial responsibility laws
- Chapter 14: Vehicle technology issues
- Chapter 15: Driver fitness
- Chapter 16: Alcohol, drugs and driving
- Chapter 17: Aggressive driving issues and road rage
- Chapter 18: Anatomical gifts and anatomical gift procedures
- Chapter 19: References to Ohio specific laws applicable to the purpose of the course
10. When can I start the course? / Is there a wait time?
If you have a Social Security Number (SSN) and have lived in the United States for at least 3 years, then 90% of the time you can start immediately. However, if the state cannot automatically verify your identity due to a lack of official documents in the state system, then you must complete the 2Cool Student Affidavit. See the “
Student Affidavit Process” for more information.
11. I completed the course but it says I didn’t.
If you passed the final exam, but it says you haven’t completed the course then that means you have not spent at least 8 hours in the course. Please log back into your account and review the chapters until the time says 8:00:00.
12. Is there a certificate of completion?
Yes. Once you have passed the course, you will be able to download and print your certificate directly from your account dashboard. After completing the course and passing the final exam, please click on CERTIFICATES in the Left/Top Menu. There you will be able to download your certificate.
13. What do I do after I pass the course?
Download your certificate. If you are taking the course due to a court order, you must provide the certificate to the court. If you are taking the course for any other reason, you must provide it to the BMV.
14. Is this course available in Spanish?
15. What is the price of the course?
The price of the course is $79.99 which includes the course, audio, video AND your downloadable certificate!
16. How do I sign up?
17. I am having technical issues logging in.
If you’re having trouble logging into your account or other technical issues, please refer to our
general support page.
18. How many times can I take the course for the 2 point credit?
The 2 point credit is valid for three years and you cannot get it again until those 3 years are up. You can only take the course up to 5 times in your lifetime for this reasoning or any reasoning.
Quizzes & Final Exam
1. Are there quizzes that I have to pass?
Yes. During the course, you will be presented with pop quizzes based on videos and content. There are also eight content quizzes consisting of 10 multiple choice questions that are sprinkled through the course, as required by the BMV. If you don't pass a quiz or video question, you will have to rewatch the video or review the material you missed. After that, you can retake the quiz. Once you pass the quiz, you will be able to continue in the course.
2. Is there a test at the end of the course?
Yes. There is a test at the end with 40 questions. You have two (2) attempts to pass. However, you must wait 24 hours between each attempt if you happen to fail. If you fail both attempts, then you will have to contact us to give you the course again and repeat the entire course from the beginning. Once you begin the exam, you cannot change any previous answers and you cannot stop the exam once you have started.
3. How many questions do I need to get right?
You will need to answer 30 questions correctly to pass (75%).
4. What if I don’t pass the test?
You have two (2) attempts to pass. However, you must wait 24 hours between each attempt if you happen to fail. If you fail both attempts, then you will have to contact us to give you the course again and repeat the entire course from the beginning.
5. When can I take the exam?
You will not be able to take the exam until you have met the time requirement on your course timer (8 hours).
Student Affidavit Process
1. What is a Student Affidavit?
This is a form you need in order for us to verify your identity because the state system couldn’t verify you automatically. You can download and print the 2Cool Student Affidavit form
2. Why do you have to verify my identity?
The State of Ohio requires that we do this. The verification tells us that you are who you say you are and that there’s no fraudulent behavior going on with your account.
3. Why do I need to fill out this form?
If you have not lived in the U.S. for at least 3 years and/or do not have a Social Security Number (SSN), then you will most likely have to fill out this form. You may also have to fill it out if the state system could not verify you automatically most likely because of a lack of official legal documents under your name in their system.
4. How do I fill this out?
You need to fill out the top portion with your information, then get it notarized at any bank or library near you for FREE. Take a picture of it on your smartphone and upload it to your account.
5. What is a notary stamp?
It’s a stamp that tells us an official notary has verified your identity. You can often find a notary at a bank or library near you FOR FREE!
6. Where can I get the form notarized?
You can get your form notarized right from your computer with NotaryLive for only $25.
You can click here to get started right now. Alternatively, banks usually have a notary on staff that you can ask to notarize your form for FREE. Some libraries also have notaries available.
7. I don’t have a scanner or fax machine. What do I do?
No problem! You can simply take a picture of it and upload the picture to your account. You can do this by taking a photo with a smartphone and logging into
school.toocooltrafficschool.com/login from your phone.
8. Who do I send it to?
Upload it to your account where it says “Upload Affidavit" next to your course.
Registration Process
1. How do I sign up?
- Click here to get started;
- Enter login information (email and create a password);
- Enter student information (first and last name and a phone number);
- Select payment method (credit card, debit card or prepaid card);
- Enter your address (it should match the address on your driver's license)

Please Note: Your Name, Date of Birth, and Certificate Address must be exactly as it appears on your license. Otherwise, your certificate will be DENIED by the Ohio BMV and you will be forced to purchase and wait for another certificate.
2. Do I have to pay first before I can start the course?
Yes. You must use a debit card, credit card or prepaid card to pay.
3. I don’t have a debit card or credit card. What should I do?
You can purchase a prepaid debit card at a grocery store and use that to pay.
4. Can I break it up into two payments?
No. You must pay for the course entirely at once with one card.
5. What payment methods do you accept?
We accept credit cards, debit cards, and prepaid cards that are Visa, Mastercard, American Express, JCB, Discover, and Diners Club.
6. I don’t have an email address. Can I still sign up for the class?
Yes! However, we strongly encourage you to sign up with an email address since that is the best way we can find your account if there is ever a problem.
7. I entered my information wrong by accident. How do I change it?
You can update your information as needed on your own after you're done with the initial course and account setup.

To change your Name, Email, Password, DOB, or Permit Address:
On the top of the screen, click "Account" and "Edit Profile".
8. I forgot my password.
Click here to return to the login page, then click on “I forgot my Password. Please reset it.” to enter your email address. There will be an email sent to you with a link to reset your password. If you do not see an email, please check your spam or junk folder.
9. Where’s my license number?
Your license number is located on Line 4B. It should have two (2) letters followed by six (6) numbers, no spaces. (Example: UX123456)
10. What’s the difference between certificate address and mailing address?
Your certificate address is the address shown on your license. The mailing address may be different. Some courses that we offer require a mailed certificate, however, you will not be mailed a certificate for this course. It will be available as a downloadable PDF from your account dashboard.
1. When will my certificate be available?
Certificates are processed automatically once you have completed the course. If your certificate is not available immediately, please allow some time for the system to update with your completion.
2. Will you mail my certificate to me?
No, we do not mail out certificates for this course. You will need to download and print your certificate. If you need us to email your certificate to you or someone else who has a printer, please reach out and we will assist you.
3. What do I do with my certificate?
If you took the course due to a court order, you will need to provide the certificate to the courthouse. If you took the course for any other reason, you will need to provide it to the BMV.
4. Can you email me my certificate?
We do not typically email certificates to students. If you need us to email you a copy, please
email us with the request and we'll be happy to help.
5. Something is wrong on my certificate.
Click "Certificates" under "My Certificates" and then click the "Request a New Certificate" and follow the prompts. You will need to pay a small fee and complete a small form so that we can process the request.
6. What exactly will be on my certificate?
Your certificate will show the following:
- First and last name (must be spelled exactly as it is on your license)
- Driver's license Number
- Date of Birth
- Address (must be the exact address that is on your license)
- Reasoning for taking the course (reasoning must be accurate for it to be accepted)
Personal Validation Questions
1. What are Personal Validation Questions (PVQ)?
PVQs are asked periodically throughout the course to verify that the person who enrolled is the same person that is taking the course and not someone else taking it for you.
2. HELP! I got locked out of the course because I answered too many PVQs wrong.
Unfortunately, this is a state requirement. If you were locked out of the course, you will be locked out for 24 hours. Once that time passes, you will be able to continue.
3. What if a question doesn’t apply to me?
If a question does not apply to you, simply put “N/A” as your answer. For example, if it asks for your middle name and you do not have a middle name then put “N/A” and choose “N/A” as your answer when you get asked that particular question.
4. How do I avoid getting these wrong?
You must remember the answers that you submitted. More importantly, answer truthfully. If you answer truthfully, then you avoid having to remember anything and avoid the risk of being locked out of the course.
5. How long do I have to answer a PVQ?
You have one (1) minute to answer a PVQ question.
6. How many PVQs can I get wrong until it locks me out?
If you get one (1) PVQ wrong, it will ask you another question. If you fail to answer the second question correctly, then you will be locked out of the course for 24 hours.