OHIO EXCLUSIVE: This applies to any student who has registered for the teen driver's ed course for Ohio, but hasn't started the course yet. Step 1: View the Dashboard After you log in, you will be taken to your account dashboard where you will see ...
OHIO EXCLUSIVE: This applies to anyone under 18 in Ohio who is taking the 24 hour driver's ed course to meet their driver's license requirements. You MUST spend at least 24 hours in the course. The State of Ohio requires that you spend a minimum of ...
Per the Ohio State Statutes (Rule 4501-7-09 (A)(1) | Driver education), "No student will be accepted for driver education before attaining the age of fifteen years and five months without approval from the director." With this in mind: As long as ...
OHIO EXCLUSIVE: This is for teens (15 years and 5 months - 17 years old) in Ohio that are getting their driver's license. Step 1: Complete the Education Requirements Enroll in the 24 hour Driver Ed Course (Age must be at least 15 years, 5 months) ...
If you would like to take the 8-Hour Driver Improvement Clinic Course in Spanish, please take a look here: Traducir mi curso en línea - Translate my traffic course into Spanish Si desea realizar el curso de clínica de mejora del conductor de 8 horas ...