Where can I find my Virginia Customer Number?

It will be listed on your Virginia license or ID card as a "customer number" as a "customer identifier".
- The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) assigns a customer number to each Virginia resident who holds a license or state ID.
- This number will also be on a DMV letter if you have been told to take a driver improvement clinic. If you no longer have the letter, you can call the DMV at 1 (804) 497-7100.
- If you are DMV required to take a driver improvement clinic, you MUST provide your customer number to the school. If you do not have it, will need to contact the DMV to ask for it.

If you are an out-of-state resident and do NOT have a customer number, you will need to have one if you take the course for ANY reason other than Court Ordered.
A traffic ticket will appear on your driving record approximately 14-15 days after receiving it, even before you have gone to court or paid the violation. Once a ticket is on your record, you can request a FREE compliance summary. If you have done other things with the state DMV such as registering a vehicle, you will also be able to pull up a compliance summary. Follow the steps below to get your out-of-state VA customer number.
- Request a FREE compliance summary from the DMV using your SSN. (If you are an out-of-state resident, the number you are provided on the document will start with a D.)
- Provide the DMV customer service with the D-number and ask them to change it into a Virginia customer number (T-number). You can make the request in person at the DMV or utilize the phone numbers below.
Compliance and Points Department: 804-367-0780
DMV Customer Service: 804-497-7100
Is a VA customer number required for your case?
These are the reasons you can select for why you will take the Virginia Driver Improvement Clinic.
- DMV Required - VA customer number is required.
- NCT (Court ordered, no points awarded) - VA customer number is required. Out-of-state residents can enter their out-of-state license number.
- YCT (Court ordered, points awarded) - VA customer number is required. You must also provide the court letter showing that points are to be awarded.
- INS (Insurance) - VA customer number required.
- VOL (Voluntary) - VA customer number required.
Where to find the customer number on an ID
Where to find a customer number on a DMV letter