Illinois Adult Driver Education FAQ's

Illinois Adult Driver Education FAQ's

Required Course hours

The Illinois Online Adult Driver’s Education Course is a six-hour course. The course must be completed in its entirety prior to the issuance of a certificate of completion. (Time spent in course can vary depending on multiple factors, like learning speed and retaking quizzes.)

Personal Validation Question Handling

Student identification will be verified through-out training and prior to taking the final test to ensure that the person taking the course is the same person taking the final test. I acknowledge that I understand the following State of Illinois personal validation rules::
  1. I will be asked to provide some personal information about myself within the Introduction of this course. Throughout the course I will be asked to answer these questions.
  2. If I fail to answer any of these questions on the 1st attempt, I will be offered another question to answer.
  3. If I fail answering the questions correctly on the 2nd attempt, I will be temporarily locked out of the course.
  4. If I fail 3 personal validation questions, I will fail the course.
  5. If I do not answer the challenge question within 60 seconds, I will be taken back to the spot in the course where I last answered a challenge question successfully
  6. If I fail to respond to challenge question within 60 seconds for a second time, I will fail the course

Required Course Time limit

You need to complete the course within 30 days from when it is started. If I fail to finish the course in this time period, you will have to repurchase the course and start over.

Hardware, web browser, and software requirements

To benefit from the course, you must be able to work independently and be comfortable with using a computer.
  1. This course is supported on Windows, Apple and mobile operating systems. We recommend you take it on a desktop computer for the best experience.
  2. We highly recommend taking it on Google Chrome, but other browsers are supported like Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Safari.
  3. You will need to have Internet access in order to store your grades and progress. No software is required to be installed.

Computer Literacy/Literacy Prerequisite skills

In order to successfully complete our program you must:
  1. Be able to turn on your computer, launch your internet browser and be able to navigate on a webpage, click and use a keyboard and mouse.
  2. If you choose to take the course on a mobile device (phone/tablet), know how to use your mobile device and how to navigate on a webpage, click, and swipe.
  3. Be able to use your keyboard/tablet/phone and are able to type your email and password so you can login.
  4. Know how to enable your speakers and adjust speaker volume.
  5. Be able to click on our support icon (located on the lower right screen in BLUE) in order to navigate our Knowledge base for answers and/or to be able to create a support ticket/chat.
  6. Your literacy should be at a minimum of an 8th grade reading level.

Final Exam

At the completion of the course, you will take an online 20-question final exam.
You must score 75% to pass.
You have 2 attempts to pass the final. You must wait 24 hours between each attempt.

Certificate of Completion

2COOL Traffic School will electronically transmit the completion record to the state of Illinois.
  1. The certificate that, you as the student will need to bring to the Illinois Secretary of State's office, is the certificate that is emailed to you from the email address from Illinois Secretary of State's office and no other agency or company.
  2. The students cannot bring their certificate to the DMV Office. 
  3. 2COOL Traffic School will report your completion the same business day you complete the course to the IL Secretary of State’s office. If completed on weekends, we will report it the next business day.

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