I already paid for my course but am being told to pay again

I already paid for my course but am being told to pay again

If you registered through a driving school, you should have received a link to complete your registration. ONLY CLICK THE LINK 1 TIME.

If you have already created your account by clicking the registration link in your email, clicking it again will put it in your cart as a new product and prompt you for payment.

If this happens to you:
  1. Log in by going to https://school.toocooltrafficschool.com/login
  2. If you are prompted to pay again, click "Home" at the top of the screen and then "account overview"
  3. If you are still being prompted to pay, click on the cart icon at the top right of the screen and make sure that you remove any products that are in it. Then, click "Home" and then "account overview" again.

When your cart is empty, clicking "Home" and then "account overview" should bring you to the main screen of the account where you can access your products.