How do safe driving points work?
Everyone should aim to have 5 Safe Driving Points on their record.
- Insurance companies determine your rates based on how many safe driving points you have.
- You get 1 safe driving point every year you drive without any violations.
- You get 5 points for taking a driver improvement clinic.
- The maximum number of safe driving points someone can have is 5.
When you are convicted of a traffic violation, the court notifies the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV), who does the following:
- Posts the conviction to your driving record;
- Assigns you demerit points according to the severity of the offense;
- Issues an order of suspension, if applicable;
- Issues an order requiring the successful completion of a driver improvement clinic, if applicable; and
- Notifies your insurance company upon request.
Demerit Point Requirements:
- If you are convicted of a demerit-point violation (or safety belt and child restraint violation) committed when you were age 18 or 19, you will be required to complete a driver improvement clinic.
- If you are 18 or older and you accumulate 8 demerit points in 12 months (or 12 points in 24 months), you will receive an advisory letter that cautions you about the consequences of violating the law.
- If you accumulate 12 demerit points in 12 months (or 18 points in 24 months), you will be required to complete a driver improvement clinic. You must enroll in and satisfactorily complete the clinic within 90 days.
- If you accumulate 18 demerit points in 12 months (or 24 points in 24 months), your driving privilege will be suspended for 90 days. Additionally, you must complete a driver improvement clinic before your privilege will be restored. Once your privilege is restored, you will be placed on a six-month probation period.
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