Florida Learner's Permit - Terms and Conditions

Florida Learner's Permit - Terms and Conditions

Prior to taking the official state exam, you will accept the terms and conditions below. To signify your acceptance, you will enter your initials during the exam registration process. These terms are presented prior to the start of the exam.

Re-Examination Clause
All applicants are subject to random selection for re-examination at the driver license or tax collector office prior to the issuance of any license. Failure to pass the random re-exam will require the applicant to pass the knowledge exam prior to license issuance.

False Statement Clause
Any applicant or parent or guardian giving false statements regarding the applicant's examination efforts is committing fraud and subject to license cancellation for a period of one year in accordance with section 322.22 and 322.27(1)(d), Florida Statutes.

Monitor and not Assist Clause
Prior to the issuance of any exam, the parent or guardian is required to electronically certify that the applicant will be monitored and not assisted during the on-line exam.
The parent or guardian is required to provide a valid driver license number at the beginning of the on-line examination.

Personal Security Questions Clause
As an examining applicant you are required to answer personal security questions before and during the on-line examination.

Notification of 60 Minute Time Limit
As an examining applicant you are required to complete the exam in 60 minutes. Any questions unanswered during this time limit will be marked as incorrect.

Notification of Leaving Test Window
You are required to remain on the test screen for the full duration of the test. Clicking out of the test, leaving the test screen, opening another window or browser, shutting down your computer, losing internet connection, etc. will result in a test failure. 
If you leave the test window or tab for ANY reason, you will immediately fail the test. 

Notification of Question Attempt Time
As an examining applicant, you are required to answer each question within 120 seconds. Failure to do so may result in test failure.
If you spend too long on a question, you will see this message. Click the "Continue" button to return to the exam. The question that timed out will be considered skipped. After going through all of the test questions, you will return to any skipped questions so you have a chance to answer it. Remember, if you get too many questions incorrect and it is no longer possible for you to pass, you will fail before being shown all of the exam questions. 

Acceptance of No Refunds
This is a state-issued exam and no refunds are permitted once these terms are agreed to and the test is begun. Once the test is started, you will be redirected to a 3rd party website contracted by the state of Florida to administer the exam. Too Cool Traffic School does not have control over the exam software or controls. 

Parent/Guardian Monitored and Allowed Student to Take Online Test
Prior to the issuance of a learner's license, the parent or guardian is required to certify to the Department that the applicant was monitored during the on-line examination and that the parent or guardian was aware of and allowed the applicant to take the examination on-line.

Student Affidavit
As an examining applicant, I certify that I will not collect, store, sell or reveal any questions, answers, or related images from this exam.